The ULTIMATE Magic school bus quiz!

Do you have what it takes to ACE this quiz? Childhood can be important sometimes! Use your Childhood memories to ACE this quiz! If you have a great score, then WOW! If not, Nice Try! Do your Best and No Cheating!

So this quiz will test your memories on Magic School Bus and if you remember any of these moments from multiple episodes. If you are done, PLEASE comment! Ii would LOVE to see what score you got! :D

Created by: DragxnDiva
  1. In "Kids In Space" What small living creature got HUGE and wrecked the ISS?
  2. In "Kids In Space" Ms.Frizzle introduced the Shriek-A-Maker. Which kid shrieked after Ms.Frizzle turned on the Shriek-A-Maker?
  3. In "Waste Not, Want Not," What gross thing Dorothy Ann needed to make Brown Gold?
  4. In "The Frizz Connection" What Fragments did Ralphie mention if HE got split into 3 parts?
  5. In "Going Batty" What did the Bus and the kids flew away from when they were near the moonlight?
  6. In "Under Construction" What animal picked up the Bus when it was small?
  7. In "In a Pickle" Who did Keesha blame when her cucumber turned into a pickle?
  8. In "Cold Feet" Why were the kids worried about Liz?
  9. Finish the song: But Being Without you is too hard to do, 'cause a nanosecond is too long, away from you!
  10. How many "Magic Vehicles" Are there?
  11. In "In The Zone" What was the first song to appear in the episode? (Does not include Magic school bus theme song)
  12. In "Making Magic" Why was the Bus mad at Mr.Rhule?
  13. In "Frizzle Of The Future" Why was Arnold upset?
  14. Easy question! Is the Bus flexible?

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