The offical what pal are you quiz

The pals are a group of youtubers that play roblox and gave fun/games. This is made up of 5 members and a couple side members and each member have their own pet and personailty.

Sketch, franky and bandiure are all the jokers of the pals. Denis and sir meows a lot are the caring and freingly member of the group. alex is the brain of the group he is the sensible one.sub is the pal that no one knows. Corl is the half jock because he loves appels.

Created by: Zane
  1. What is you favourite pal
  2. What is your favourite colour
  3. What is your ideal pet
  4. Do you play roblox
  5. Do you play minecraft
  6. Do you know you ved_dev is
  7. Who would you sub to
  8. Who should be a pal
  9. Who shouldnt be a pal
  10. On robloxian high school who is the princible
  11. Who does the best intro
  12. Do wear glasses
  13. Do you like roleplay
  14. What is your fav games

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Quiz topic: The offical what pal am I quiz
