The Most Random Quiz Ever

This is your average random test with all quainds of questions. You will be able to find the answer on WikiPedia but it would spoil all the fun of this test.

Random questions with only 1 answer each. You can and you will finish this test with at least 55% correct answers. Its not hard at all, in fact its a good exercise.

Created by: Peter
  1. In the end of "Hai to Gensho no Grimgar" they remembered about their passed life.
  2. Which one of the following bands is not Emo?
  3. After which boss floor fight did Kirito figured out HitchCliff's real identity?
  4. If we were all able to use 40% of our brain's capacity , would life on Mars be possible by 2021?
  5. Which scietist stated that :" Two things are infinite the univers and human stupidity , though I am not so sure about the univers."
  6. For an animal to be called a mamel it has to :...?
  7. If Kyle Reese was to die , who would have died along side him?
  8. Is the water wet?
  9. The person who gives the speach that finaly unites all Five Great Ninja Nations shinobi's hearts is?
  10. Among all things in the known universe , which of the following is the most dangerous?
  11. What does it mean to be Emo?
  12. Why did Nike had to split one of the factoryes from Africa in two separate factoryes(one for the left shoe and one for the right)?
  13. If we carefuly analize the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series we discover that the actions of Itachi Uchiha actualy lead to the shinobi world's salvation .

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