The impossible Harry Potter trivia quiz!

Do you claim the title of "ultimate Harry Potter fan"? Test your Harry Potter fantasy knowledge on this free Harry Potter Trivia Test with instant results!

Just click the answer that you think is correct, cross your fingers and hope for the best! If you get ten out of ten be sure to call yourself a die-hard Harry Potter fan!

Created by: Leila Kight
  1. Which of these characters is a squib?
  2. How many brothers did James Potter have?
  3. What is Dumbledore's full name?
  4. What are Harry Potter's children called?
  5. What house was Dumbledore in?
  6. How many presents did Dudley get on his eleventh birthday?
  7. How do wizards and witches summon the knight bus?
  8. What was Hermione's patronus?
  9. Who is the head of hufflepuff?
  10. Which chess piece does Hermione play in the Philosopher's Stone?

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