Should you shave your head?

This is a quiz to see if you should shave your head. Should you get ready for the big shave, or just stick to waxing the body hair? that is what you'll find out.

this quiz has 11 questions mostly focused on a story. so just have fun, and take my quiz. you probably won't read this anyway, so just take the quiz..

Created by: Dograpsbball22
  1. Do you want to shave your head?
  2. Do you like your hair?
  3. Would you shave it for money
  4. Would you shave it for charity?
  5. You walk into a salon and the main stylist says "You would be a perfect model! Just let me give you a special treatment"
  6. She tells you "your hair is too long, I'll have to cut it.". You tell her to cut half an inch off, But she ignores you and cuts 15 inches off
  7. Then she says" Your hair just won't work. I know!" then she take clippers and gives you a buzzcut.
  8. Then she shaves your head. You are bald now.
  9. After you are waxed, given a makeover, and the proper outfit, you are finally on the runway. She tells you " we have wigs for you, or you can keep the bald look"
  10. after the show, she tells you "hey, we can find a way to regrow your hair if you want"
  11. would your rather get a full body wax or shave your head.

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Quiz topic: Should I shave my head?
