Romeo and Juliet Personality Character Match

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William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has a wide range of characters. These characters have their own desires and personalities that help to develop the plot of the famous tragedy.

Answer the following questions to see which character is most like your own personality. Are you a cool head, swordsmen, idealist, or a salty papa? Do you consider yourself utterly romantic or chaste? Are you happy to be the center of attention or want others to take the lead?

Created by: Mrs. Muha
  1. What I value most in life is
  2. Most of my time, I am
  3. You stay mad at the people who have hurt you, your friends, or your family.
  4. Do your friends come to you when they need advice about their love lives?
  5. Which statement best sums up your view on love?
  6. Which statement best supports your thoughts about fighting?
  7. If I have one fault, it's that I'm too
  8. My best quality is that I am
  9. Which statement best describes you?
  10. If I saw a huge fight on the street, I would think
  11. My personalized T-shirt would say
  12. Which of the following best describes you?
  13. Which of the following do you hate the most?
  14. My idea of a perfect evening would be
  15. Which of the following statements best describe you?
  16. If I were a dog, I would be a
  17. I am most comfortable being a

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