Random Wings Of Fire quiz!

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Hello! This is a Wings Of Fire quiz! It includes series two stuff and legends Darkstalker! So if you haven’t read them, please do before you take this quiz!

I hope you will have a good time taking this quiz! Again, I warn you, if you haven’t read ALLLL the books, please dont take the quiz and have me scream “YOU KNOW NOTHING” to you.

Created by: Rose Da SwiftWing
  1. First, just a little question! On a scale of 1 to Clay, how hungry are u?
  2. What IS Glory, like what’s her job?
  3. YOU HAVE 40 SECONDS TO ANSWER! Who is Kinkajou?
  4. Ok ok, calm down now, u have all the time in the world to answer this question! It’s a tricky one. WHAT IS BLICKET? AND HOW GOOD IS IT?
  5. How did u go with that one? If u said Blicket sucks..... GET OUT OF MY QUIZ! Ok, Who is Clays Mother!? And how does she react when he finds her?
  6. Which one?: Cleril, Ripnami, Turtlejou, Moonbli, QINTER (yassss), Starspeaker, Glorybringer, or Darksight?
  7. Ok, the last question had no effect, but ANOTHER SHIP QUESTION ‘CUZ IM A SHIPER! Which one wins the ship war? WinterWatcher or Moonbli?
  8. Last question. Goodbye.
  9. HAHA! Did I trick anyone?
  10. Ok this is ACTUALLY the last question! Who is Tsunamis family? Only the main ones that are mentioned a lot though! She has toooo many brothers
  11. Ha! Did I trick u again? Ok, plz at least rate! BUT PLEASE IF U CAN COMMENT! Bai!

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