puppycat66's Profile

Joined on Dec 7, 2021
Status Level: Novice
puppycat66's Quizzes
- guess the writer of the song please[published: Dec 10, 2021]
A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z now i know my abc's next time wont……
- What warrior cat are you?[published: Dec 07, 2021]
This is sort of a personality test, please do not take this seriously! I have only got to the second……
puppycat66's Recent Posts
"I made this to say if your parents don't hug you I will"
"kind of a misunderstanding though-"
"Ok I agree myself I used the wrong wording but it's hard coming out and then saying three days after you really want to be transgender ..."
"well I'm bisexual but I want to be boy after all I've always been a tomboy "
"I'm going to attempt being Transgender"
"a girl.... Isabelle not saying the last name..."
"wow thats a lot! i came out as bisexual "
"just came out of the closet! tell me you experiences :)"
"hey guys ! from what I'm seeing there are not many left so I'm asking for everybody's opinion"
puppycat66's Recent Quiz Comments
"my best friends name x x
u"In response to IsabelleIGuess:
"The popular girl.
I love that it says I…"
1 -
"the smart girl not to be rude but i dont think this test is accurate"
0 -
"car accident"
1 -
"ask her out I made a video asking if she would date me she broke up IN front of her gf to get with me"
In response to RASBERRU:
"i actually do like a girl in my class and i'm…"
2 -
"you go girl!"
In response to TheClassiestCoke:
"100% Lesbian! Hell yeah."
1 -
"me as well I don't know how?"
In response to LBIXI_11:
"I'm very lesbian very accurate quiz only I…"
2 -
"LBIXI_11 I agree so much"
0 -
1 -
"100% i had to send it to my gf lol"