I_Pablo_Penguin's Profile


Joined on May 5, 2021
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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I_Pablo_Penguin's Quizzes

I_Pablo_Penguin's Recent Posts

  • Venting Thread
    "Oml, I actually made this account-"
  • Venting Thread
    "Pablo= XD"
  • Venting Thread
    "I am just gonna be lazy for rn"
  • Venting Thread
    "Yeah, Ik I'm tired with my random talks, also, I haven't ate anything but a sausage, idk, I'm just not really feeling it"
  • Venting Thread
    "People say that I'm that person who is filled with creativity, I guess that's true since I write stories and do a lot of drawings and like c..."
  • Venting Thread
    "It may just be due to the fact that I'm tired or somethin'"
  • Venting Thread
    "I'm so tired and have been working a lot in school, also, I feel sad that I haven't got to talk to Luca and he wanted to"
  • Venting Thread
    "I don't feel too good, I just feel less pumped and a bit sad, but hey, at least that yandere ain't calling or anything which is good"
  • Venting Thread
    "Also, I'm tired now, XD"
  • Venting Thread
    "Ok, the good news is hopefully, he can't call me again, woo, I feel so much better "
  • Venting Thread
    "Cal, I'm sorry, I had too, I had to make this. It's like a project, XD"
  • Venting Thread
    "I'm doing fine, just tired and bored. Hru?"
  • Venting Thread
    "Who wants to sing in the frickin' backyard, XD? I'm jk, jk, only the REAL Pablo would do that Next Minute: *Singing in Ba"
  • Venting Thread
    "I just said "Hello" to Tyrone and Uniqua (Like, the heck, is she just unique, tbh, in the show, they said her animal was a Uniqua which does..."
  • Venting Thread
    "Writing stories is fun, I've always been the one who thinks creatively and that's what I put into stories. It takes away all the badness of ..."

I_Pablo_Penguin's Recent Quiz Comments
