Plan a date and get a Karasuno Boyfriend!

Ever thought about who would be your Karasuno boyfriend? Well, create a date and find out who would treat you the best. Every one of these boys deserves your love.

Will it be someone who is overly caring and protective? Or perhaps a shyer one who’s wholesome? Maybe it will the blunt and indifferent one that’s soft only for you. Take the quiz to find out.

Created by: 0726420
  1. First off, who’s planning it?
  2. When is the date made?
  3. When does the date start?
  4. What gift does he bring?
  5. What’s on the menu?
  6. Where is it?
  7. What sweet gesture does he make?
  8. What’s the dress code?
  9. Pick a Disney Movie.
  10. Pick a romance movie.
  11. Pick a love song.
  12. What makes him blush?
  13. Who goes for a kiss?
  14. If it’s cold, does he give you his jacket or would you have to ask?
  15. Lastly, how does it end?

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