Personality Quiz

People all over the world have many different personalities.No one is exactly alike.People Rang from Rockers to Preps to Snobs to Goths to Emo to Kiss-ups...The line is impossible to reach.This quiz catergorizes you in what group you might be in.

Are you a good person,or a stuck up snob ?No one ever really told you.But thanks to this quiz,you can find out.Just tell the truth,and your results will be fine..........maybe

Created by: Shae Fusion
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a kitten on the curb of your house.The kitten has been hit by a car,and was losing blood.You.......
  2. You go to a Christmas Eve Party at a friends house.You see a regular looking boy/girl around your age,sitting all by themselves on a sofa.You decide to........
  3. You think you are...........
  4. You find a 50 dollar bill on the floor in the school bathroom.It has initals in the bottom corner of it.You.....
  5. You think you are .......................
  6. Your friends ...........
  7. Someone you dislike very much,has died.You go to the school funeral.You.............
  8. Hell is..............
  9. In school you learn about life,you think...................
  10. You live with your Parents or Gaurdian.You ask them can you go to the park at 11:00 at night,to meet some friends,on a school night,and they say no.You feel.........

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