Love, Magic, Hogwarts!6

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Well my poll is still up so just do that to decide if Hermon becomes a result alright but sins it is still up she is not a result so that`s that and now were skipping to when Buckbeak is killed.

Ok so your on your way to Hagrids because of Buckbeak`s exicushine because Draco told his father and made *sneez death eater sneez your dad sneez*so now your on your way there with the golden trio even if Ron is mad at you and Harry well... you know AWAKWARED TURTLE.

Created by: insane person
  1. Well the 4 of you walked you ran into Malfoy and his crones Hermon held him at wand point Crabbe made a move to grab her but you grabbed him first and hurled him 5 feet or so with a sharp growl Hermon punched Malfoy "Hit him for me!" you said as you kicked Zambine in between the legs so she yelled "And this is from Ethen!" as she back handed him they ran like a troll was behind them "Wicked!" Ron said you and Hermon nodded and countiued walking down to Hagrids.
  2. You got to Hagrids and he opened the door and let him he found Peter and gave him back to Ron in after a wile your neck started to show it`s scare it was never there before but you know what it meant but how "Ethen is your neck ok?" Hagrid asked you nodded "Yea just a scare means I`m do to die really soon it`s from when I first died my head was cut off." you said as if it was a normal thing for every one they all looked at you shocked till a rock flow in and hit Harry in the back of the head then a tea pot shattered the 4 of you fled back up the hill before you were seen but...
  3. It was time to your and Siruses plan till Peter bit Ron and ran Ron went after him but you were faster and more detumened Harry and Hermon trailed behind you you dived and grabbed him "Nice try!" you said as he scwarmd in your hand so you gripped him harder which didn`t make Ron happy "Your going to kill him!" Ron yelled snaching him out of your hand he looked back at Harry and Hermon Siruis was in his dog form he looked a lot like a grim probubly why Ron yelled "HARRY WATCH OUT IT`S THE GRIM!"
  4. Sirusie jumped over Harry 'show of' you thought as he ran towareds you growling "Your a bad actor fox!" you scremed like an 8 year old as he grabbed your ankle and bolted to the wommping willow you prtended to be thrashing but it was an act "Better add some tears." Sirus said you rolled your eyes after you got to the shriking shake you sat down on an old bed he turned back into himself "Now that was acting but tears would have souled it better." he said "Then next time you be the kidnapped and I`ll be the kidnapper!" you retorted
  5. he nodded and hide behind the door "ETHEN!" Hermon yelled as the trio entered the room "Where`s the grim?" Ron asked his leg was broken most likely from the tree "Now give me a chance to expalne everything." but it was to late he stepped out from behind the door Harry reached for his wand but it wasn`t there nether was Hermon or Ron`s " you pick poked them "You can`t wait for a 5 mint explunashine." you asked Hermon looked at you with there wands in your hand "Ethen give us are wands!" she yelled "Yea, no." you said the trio froze at your words
  6. "Why not!" Harry screamed backing away from Sirusi he started walking over to them "Can`t you wait!" you shouted "I waited 13 years fox I`m killing him now!" Siruis shout back "I think you owe the an explanshine Siruis." said a voice from the door it was Lupin Siruse gave him a hug Hermon yelled about him being a secret werewolfe "What would be your role in all this Ethen?" Lupin said you would have lied but Siruise beat you to it "She hase been helping me helped set up this houl thing." you face palmed "Not helping!" you said Lupin smirked "How many times have you said you weren`t hiding him and that you hade no idea were he is." Lupin asked you grunted "You were helping him!" Harry screamed
  7. "Lets kill him Lupin you can help we can both kill him!" Sirise pledded to Lupin "I`ll put him on the table and swiche him back." you said as Siruise and Lupin argued you walked over but Ron throw himself infrount of Harry "I`m not letting you help them kill my beast friend." he yelled "Who said we were killing him." they all look dum founded "We want Petter Petgrew he killed James and Lily Potter a bunch of Muggles then faked his death and framed Siruse by turning into his ilegale animungus a rat the same rat thats in your hand Ron." you said they looked at you shocked "That means give me the rat Ron." you said holding out your hand Peter began scwarming more.
  8. Peter bit Ron again and tried to run but you slammed your foot down on his tale and he screamed Ron`s eyes widened "Scwarm or bit me and I smash you scule next." you said with a hiss of venom "Scabbers!" Ron yelled and flung himself at you you took a step back so he mist but you grabbed him one handed be for he hit the floor and pushed him at Harry and Hermon "Hurry up!" Siruis shouted you rolled your eyes and focused your energy on Peter "What you once were now has changed you throw your self into my kingdom and doman now I force you back again..." as you said the incantashin your eyes glowed pure white "...SHawdowes, darkness, swirling round and and help me catch him as he hits the ground..." you dropped him and the shadowes from around the room begain to dance and they cote him houlding him tight as you finshed the spell "... now you hould him power well Darkness swell don`t make him well push him out from change of face for whith in my kindome I want no discrass!" The shadowes swelled around him and turned to dust that blew away to revile the true Peter after the spell you past out.
  9. You woke up in the Hospital wing and ended up going with Harry by your self because Hermon hade a broken arm you went back to wen Buckbeak was going to be killed you were hiding in the edge of the woods you had a small wait your scare showed up darker then before it was time to die Harry didn`t seem to notice he said "Uh... Ethen could we um... talk?" "About what?" you asked "What happened at the lake." he said you froze this was the last thing you wanted to talk about "You can`t evoid me forever." he added quickly you didn`t know what to say so you stayed quit
  10. "I`m really sorry I wasn`t trying to hurt you I just was tired of having you trying to evoied me and you wouldn`t tell me what I did so I was planning to kiss you and that was supooss to be it but... well I don`t know what came over me and I slipped you a potishin at brekfeast so by free period you couldn`t push me away but I guess I gave you to much I`m really sorry." he sounded honist "Fine but I did tell my friends from Drumstring and there bent on reveng and I won`t stop them." you said Harry nodded it was time .
  11. You walked over to Buckbeak "Ethen what are you doing!" Harry hissed "I`m going to die." he couldn`t stop you they left as you went down and talked to them convicing them it was your fault and to take your head plus you sort of left Buckbeak go so they had no choice it was you or nothing so they took you it was time to die again death never scared you so for you this was a walk in the park.
  12. "I don`t want to be the new griffindor ghost so make shower thats sharp." you said joking Dumbledore smiled Hagrid protested you bent over "And now I go back from wence I came." you said as the axe came down and all went dark.
  13. a moment later you were laying on the ground no one was there they must have left after you died there was no blood but there were marks on the ground from your head rolling back over to be reatchd you stood up and went to the astranmy tower to find Harry and Buckbeak you ran over to were Sirise was "Hey fox can I get anthore jail brake over here." he asked so you answered "No problem." you used your wand and busted out the window "Another?" Harry asked "You heard nothing." you said as you helped Siruse out "Why do you keep calling Ethen fox?" was the next qustion harry asked
  14. "Because she`s snekey, sly, and destruktev." Siruse answered "I haven`t done anything bad." you defended yourself Siruse gave you a look so you add "again" he looked at you like that again so you add "resently" he nodded went and talked with Harry then said good bye you Harry went back to the hospital wing after you got there Harry asked the eneviduble "So how did get past fuge I thought you actuly died." "I did I just don`t stay dead." you said and started walking to bed
  15. And what happens on your way there you walk into someone AGAIN but this time it`s someone you don`t know she is a cute chines girl in ravenclaw robes "Oh sorry." you said you rechd your hand down to help her up but she turned redder then any Weasley hair you ever seen and stared at you "DO YU SPEAK THE ENGLAY?" you asked moving your hands around not shower if she was under standing you "Hu... oh, oh yea sorry."she said scrambling to her feet.
  16. "Sorry I should have watched were I was going my names Cho." she seemed really jumpy "My names Ethen are you ok?" you said "Yea fine wait are you guy or girl?" she said "Girl" now that you got a better look of her you seen she was really cut and checking you out "Eyes are up here not there." you said pointing at your eyes her eyes snapped away from your chest as "Oh sorry I didn`t..." "No problem just wanted to make shower you knew." you interupted
  17. she mumbled something then Ginny showed up and you left (What happened when you left) "Hey Cho why so red?" Ginny asked Cho "Ethen is hot do you know if she`s straight?" was all she could say "Well she is gay but your not her type." Ginny snapped "So what is her type?" Cho asked rudly Ginny grunted "I don`t need to tell you." "Then you don`t." Cho said Ginny went red "Which means I do have a chance also means I may ask her out." Cho said arms crossed narowd eyes at Ginny "Well see about that you can barly talk to her so how you going to do that." Cho stormed off

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