Kind of person are you

What kind of person are you??? Well you'll find out soon enough. Yeah... I was bored and thought I'd make this quiz. If you dont like the results or dont think their accurate, or flat out dont like this quiz...I dont blame you! Its my first quiz. Side note: I dont label people by what they like or do so...yeah. lol First quiz so here goes nothing.........

Gibberish: ld;ghdihvnevnhz,mncuiuernhyvxhjxteguiefj;lcxouvdsijv;o mj83hirf374tyr9hbnrjk3b3h9fc 3nu4cv894895nuvc89mucv85ucvn[mpawc[k;zxmkehhy8orsfgtthbs

Created by: SquaresAndSquirrels
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how do you feel right now?
  2. what animal do like the most
  3. if you had to, what song would you listen to for a whole 10 years straight(80's songs)
  4. what "sport" would you choose
  5. Whats your fav color
  6. What state would you live in
  7. Out of these four, Whats your fav movie(80's again...mostly John Hughes movies)
  8. Whats your fav food
  9. This question and the next dont count....
  10. ARE YOU READY?????????

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Quiz topic: Kind of person am I