Introverts, Extroverts, Middles. Which are You?

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So you have clicked. And you are reading this. You are very polite. Anyway I won't be like some other quizzes that are asking you to answer honestly. You can answer however you want. I'm not controlling you. Maybe. But. If you are looking for a real, good, down to earth answer, you should do one of two things: 1. Answer honestly. 2. Take another quiz because I don't really know how accurate this is I just did this for fun.

Bloop Bloop and more nonsense. And more. Now I have written enough nonsense please stop reading this and take the thingy I made or else I WILL control you.👻

Created by: TheCoolHooman
  1. So you clicked this. Now note that this quiz might not be accurate, which I make VERY CLEAR at the end of the quiz. Now. This answer has ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT but do you think you are and Introvert or an Extrovert?
  2. Hello, and welcome to the restaurant of questions. What is your order? Super Weird Question? Coming right up! Which of these symbols do you prefer?
  3. Which thingy is the most relatable?
  4. Sorry, but whats your favorite color? (Also if the emojis don't show up, oof. My bad.)
  5. Another which do you prefer?
  6. Which of these landscapes seems the LEAST appealing?
  7. Which little cluster of songs do you like the most? (If you don't know them and want to listen to them they are all clean.)
  8. Do you want (another) pet? (hairless cat, dog, bird, mouse, lizard, etc...)
  9. I. Am. Tired. After. Doing. 5. Freaking. Hours. Of. Dance. A. Week. If you are wondering why this question is pertinent I am also.
  10. Peace out!

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Quiz topic: Introverts, Extroverts, Middles. Which am I?
