How would you fair in a nuclear fallout?

This is a quiz to determine how you would do in a world after nuclear bombs were dropped. There are several different outcomes determining what kind of survivor you'd be or if you'd survive at all.

You could be a member of a small group, a great leader, a tyrant, a loner, or a mutant. Will you survive at all? Find out by taking this quiz now!

Created by: PC

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. After years of war you fear a nuclear fallout is imminent and decide to build an underground shelter. What do you make it out of?
  2. You think about taking someone with you into your shelter. Who do you take?
  3. Sirens are going off the nukes are coming. Your neighbors 12 year old son is pleading to come in your shelter when a man shows up offering you weapons to let him enter instead. Taking the man in will result in resources depleting faster. What do you do?
  4. After spending 2 months in your shelter you are are almost out of resources and decide it's time to move on. What item is you number 1 priority?
  5. Do you go toward the cities or the open plains?
  6. You come across a girl who is frantic. She says there is a maniac chasing after her and asks for your help. The man chasing after her appears and is about 7 feet tall and has a bullet proof vest on.
  7. You dehydrated and desperately need water. You...
  8. You find a small town filled with slaves. After saving the leaders life he offers to give you 1 slave for free. You choose...
  9. You come across a group of survivors and they tell you they can take you to a safehouse. When you get there you receive food, water, and a place to sleep. You wake up with the survivors surrounding you about to kill you...
  10. You are in a very dangerous area and need to join a group for protection.
  11. You are part of a group in Washington DC. You have fortified a large building and are living there with almost 100 other survivors. Food, water, medicine, and ammo are becoming scarce. You...
  12. The leader of your group has been hostile towards everyone and is getting people killed in the field.
  13. When you are trapped a a subway tunnel trapped by mutants you...

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