How well do you know austin and ally?

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This is a quiz questioning-- how well do you know Austin and Ally? (The Disney Channel show) well, take this quiz and find out!!!!

Wanna know more about this quiz? Well here's more info- you'll be tested on your knowledge of Austin and Ally characters, songs, episodes and more!!!!

Created by: Emma
  1. How did Austin and Ally meet?
  2. What instruments did austin play in the double take video?
  3. What cast member was also starred in Teen Beach Movie?
  4. Which song did Austin write about Ally?
  5. Who shoots Austin's music videos?
  6. In what episode does Austin get a record deal?
  7. Which character wears a lot of animal print clothing?
  8. Who was Austin's first girlfriend? (Featured on the show)
  9. Which of the following characters was Ally's boyfriend?
  10. Has Dez ever had a girlfriend?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know austin and ally?