How well do you know Aphmaus Mystreet

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So uhh aphmau quiznessmentandstuff. Ice cubes sit in a pool of their own blood. It’s weird! I know but not as weird as a Meif’wa’s obsession with shipping things okay humans, werewolves and Meif’wa!

Meep meep MyStreet meep. Ice cubes sit in a pool of their own blood. Not as weird as a werewolf being afraid of vacuums okay werewolves, Meif’wa and humans!

Created by: Kawaii~Chan Ashida
  1. Who is Aphmau’s Boyfriend/Fiancé?
  2. Fill in the blank: Heyyy _______
  3. What is Season 5 name
  4. What is Kawaii~Chan obsessed with?
  5. Which is Kawaii~Chan’s OTP?
  6. Who tells Aph a bedtime story in S1 E1?
  7. Are you ready to find out ur results?
  8. Well no you can’t so ha! Does Zane like My Little Horsies
  9. And we finish each other’s..
  10. See results now?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Aphmaus Mystreet
