How Smart Are You?

Do you think you can race this past? Do you think your a genius? Well, take my test to see if your so Correct of your little words that came of your skull.. BE PREPARED >:)

I have some sick tricks up my little sleeve! Watch out and try to get the answers right.. if you dont.. then see what happens.. :) GOOD LUCK TO YOU >:)

Created by: Stacey29384
  1. What is Fish + Pie?
  2. What was the first president to sign up for the war?
  3. What is 1 + 1 ?
  4. Why did the chicken say COOOOCKCKKA - DOODLE DOO!
  5. What was the year whenever War I started?
  6. What is science about?
  7. What was the first country ever made? / State?
  9. What do you call a cow with no legs?
  10. (LAST ONE!!) *super tricky* What WAs.. The FIRST WORD that was ever made?

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I?
