How similar to a fork are you?

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Do you think you're fork enough. Do you? Do you really? Well, this test here is to prove whether your forkier than most, or if your the average forkless joe.

Remember that the results of this quiz are very factual, and that whatever fork rating you receive is 100% accurate. Even if you score low, though, there is always the possibility to change yourself into a better fork!

Created by: Bread
  1. What's your favorite season?
  2. What is your favorite type of seasoning?
  3. Do you like spoons?
  4. What's your favorite dish?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. What's your favorite place out of these options?
  7. How Points does your head have?
  8. What color are your eyes?
  9. What do think of knives?
  10. What landscape is your favorite?
  11. Playstation or Xbox?
  12. Do you prefer smoothies, milk, or salad?
  13. What's your favorite type of shoe?
  14. What's your favorite type of weather?
  15. What's your favorite salad dressing?
  16. What is your taste in partners like?
  17. What's your favorite movie out of these choices?
  18. Which are better: Foods or Drinks?
  19. How much confidence do you have that you are fork-like?

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Quiz topic: How similar to a fork am I?
