How Similar to a Cat Are You?

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This test is just as it is titled. It will tell you how similar you are to a cat awhile being as accurate as possible. Keep in mind that cat stereotypes will not work for this quiz.

Of course it's hard to be completely unbiased but the questions that will be displayed will make you think about your answer. Please answer the questions as quickly as possible to get the most accurate results.

Created by: SickRamen
  1. Would you say you are a routinely person?
  2. What type of people stress you out or bore you?
  3. When do you wake up?
  4. A friend shows up to your house without any warning. You...
  5. How's your attention span?
  6. Does too much attention/excitement make you overwhelmed?
  7. Are you a fan of climbing things?(Example: Trees, Counters, Tables, etc.)
  8. Do you like bunnies?
  9. Would you say you're Impulsive?
  10. Do you have a hideout or would like one for only yourself?

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Quiz topic: How Similar to a Cat am I?
