How much like Will Ferrel are you?

Do you love movies? I sure do! There are plenty of good actors in this world but only one is my favorite. The mighty, the witty, the amazing....... WILL FERREL!!!!!!

Do you love Will Ferrel? If you do, you better take this quiz right now to see how much you and Will Ferrel have in common. Go NOW TAKE THIS AWESOME TEST!!! You won't regret it!

Created by: Zachary and Mallorie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you funny?
  2. What is your hair like?
  3. What is your dream job (or current job)?
  4. Which is your favorite US state?
  5. Which of these is your favorite sport?
  6. Would you enjoy working as a sports newscaster?
  7. Do you like watching football?
  8. Have you ever competed in a marathon (triathlon, etc.)?
  9. Have you ever donated to a charity?
  10. What's your favorite movie genre?

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Quiz topic: How much like Will Ferrel am I?