How much do you know about WOF?

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Hiya there! This is a quiz where you test your knowledge (about wings of fire)! Hopefully you do well, but if not, no worries! Just take the quiz again!

The last question is pretty hard, so you better think on your feet. NO LITERALLY! GET OUTTA YOUR CHAIR!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!! YOU SO RUDE!!! I SAID GET!!!!

Created by: NaChOs_123
  1. Who are the Dragonets of Destiny?
  2. On which book is Cricket on the cover?
  3. Who is Tsunami in love with in The Lost Heir?
  4. Who are Clay's siblings?
  5. Who is Moonwatcher in love with?
  6. Who are the three Talons of Peace that were in charge of the Dragonets of Destiny?
  7. Clay is always so...
  8. Who is Glory's brother?
  9. Is Whirlpool dead or alive?
  10. Final question! Who is the best wof character? (trick question, will affect your score!)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about WOF?
