How bold are you?

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This is not a legitimate test, okay. It's just a really daring experiment into the things that people will and won't do. This test is not meant to discourage any participant, nor is it made to assume whether or not you are actually a strong person. Please no whining if you don't get the answer you like.

A quick heads-up: some moderately disturbing images in this one (organs, rotting dead fish) so please exercise caution over the pictures I used to illustrate this quiz. Probably not the best idea if you're squeamish... I did warn you.

Created by: Raven
  1. Would you climb a mountain?
  2. -And here, class,- says the science teacher, -is a human skull.- She points to you. -Would you like to hold it?- she asks.
  3. Have you ever eaten sheep's eyeballs?
  4. Back in the science room you see your teacher's taken out a glass jar holding what appears to be a liver. What's your response?
  5. Would you ever skydive?
  6. Out of these places, which do you want to visit the most?
  7. Be truthful. Snakes are...
  8. What's your response to this image?
  9. Would you be at all interested in taxidermy?
  10. You are playing with a pet when the animal rolls over and begins to choke. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: How bold am I?
