How beautiful are you?

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Do you know if you are beautiful? When this quiz is over, you will find out. Very beautiful is out of the charts. Eww... is below the charts. You will see the result at the end of this quiz.

Do you know if you are beautiful? When this quiz is over, you will find out. Very beautiful is out of the charts. Eww... is below the charts. You will see the result at the end of this quiz.

Created by: axeliscute11

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wear make-up?
  2. What is your body shape?
  3. You know this quiz was made for girls, did you?
  4. How many friends?
  5. Do you LOVE make-up?
  6. Read the paragraph, and then answer your question. Do you know if you are beautiful? When this quiz is over, you will find out. Very beautiful is out of the charts. Eww... is below the charts. You will see the result at the end of this quiz. Now, do you think you are very,very beautiful?
  7. The next 2 questions will be easy, but also complex.
  8. Math. What is 2x30/6-v/=9?
  9. Math. What is the -v/- of 9?
  10. Will you rate and/or comment?

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Quiz topic: How beautiful am I?