Harry Potter HOUSE QUIZ!

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You do this quiz to figure you what hogwarts house you are in, and btw YES this is HARRY POTTER and YES I am in several fandoms...........I did the weird stuff to finish paragraph btw

Exact same thing I said before... so how is ur day XD enjoy the other quizzes you will be doing... I did this weird stuff to finish paragraph btw (cough cough)........

Created by: Fandom Queen
  1. Welcome! Ok first off, what house do YOU think you’re in? (Be honest with urself)
  2. Ok story time— You are the forest when you hear a loud BANG, your friend starts crying/screaming, what do you do?
  3. A TROLL comes in and starts smashing things and kills your favorite teacher, what do you do?
  4. Mk story time over kids
  5. Random question, FAVORITE COLOR
  6. Now, how are ya liking the quiiiz?
  7. Mk story time again— You went into the forest (again) and see a centaur crying over a unicorn’s corpse, WHA YA DO
  8. Mk last question.... SURPRISE
  9. Thanks for quizzing XD
  10. Ignore this is just a pic I found

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