Thread Topic: I SHOUT INTO THE VOID...
No, all of that is completely valid. I relate so much to it all. It's hard to not be hard on yourself when you don't have a diagnosis on anything because you always doubt yourself or downplay it for the sake of trying not to be fakeclaimed. But something I had to remember for myself is you don't just get a diagnosis overnight when you realize something is different. These are all things worth bringing up to a therapist to see where it goes, but definitely don't stay silent just because you think it probably isn't something. Even without the diagnosis, your experiences are real and they matter. đź’›
I'm sorry. I just read it said do not enter. You can have the mods delete my posts. I'm so sorry.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it! thanks for exiting yourself too, it'll stay up dw <3
HOLY S---?!?!?!
/pos -
Welcome to my offical thread, The Forest Grove! -
Ah, yes, according to my class, it's okay to commit destruction of property if it's a pride flag. Love this f---ing class. /sarc
I think we're just really tired of being a political pawn and my rights are up in the air every four years, and now the President of this country doesn't think I deserve to exist. How crazy.
I can only imagine
"Why are you moving out of [home state]?"
Maybe because [home state] is full of narrowminded bigots who don't think I deserve the right to live and that my existence is harming them somehow. -
we're nervous
I think we made a friend upset yesterday.. We tried to vent about being stressed and he made a sorta hurtful comment on it without meaning to and now i think he doesn't wanna talk to us
i'm sorry j... i didn't mean to make you upset... i promise i won't do it again, i'll be better, i won't vent again, please just stay around, i don't want to be left... -
i ruin everything
i should stop
i should never ever vent again or be open w this again
i'm too much work and i always will be
my friends want someone energetic and nice and happy
how do i stop ruining everything
i swear i'm not trying to but i can't help it
i'm scared and i'm so f---ing stupid
why did I think that would end okay?
why did I assume anything new?
i ruin everything :( -
god f---ing damnit how do i just shut the f--- up no one wants to listen to me i should just keep all my thoughts to myself since all it does is ruin everything every single time
i'm just f---ing pathetic no wonder i'm so hard to tolerate i'm just so pathetic and annoying i should just shut the f--- up no one's listening anyway i f---ing hate myself so much rn i'm so goddamn pathetic and such a worthless friend every single time why don't i just f---ing learn better and not do it again why do i even try -
oh actually life's kinda okay lmao
our heart might explode we've had a lotta caffeine lately
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