Spice Rack 2
Thread Topic: Spice Rack 2
I took one and got a 0. You did better than me.
Ow. I hate it when that happens.
There's no way that's right then.
- -
Yeah, it sucks when my door just attempts to destroy whatever fragments of patience I might have.
I tried to take a career quiz but I'm too flip floppy.
"Does being around people energize you?"
Idk -
It's basically asking you if you're introverted or extroverted.
Like "Dude, I'm ambiverted."
They said I'm a mentor. Haha, no. -
Hey, we need you in Draconite's rp.
I hate how they never give the ambivert option. I'm on the introverted side of ambivert.
I could never be a teacher ever in my lifetims. -
I only talk to people if they come to me
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