Eggy's shabby little music hut
Thread Topic: Eggy's shabby little music hut
Me when I'm an insufferable hipster :3
Eggyways my fav artists are
Jack stauber
Lemon demon
And Soddiken
If you don't like them please dni with this thread because I don't want to hear about others dislike of my artists. It's just kinda stupid to talk about that on someone else's thread.
I'm rambling eggyways I wanted to try doing my own music thread this year to talk about my fav artists and stuff. -
I hate how Shakey my voice is. I don't know how I was able to stay in the choir
Anyways because I am also overconfident here's a recording of me singing hashivenu
I have added your new from tadc to so many of my playlists
Your new home
The skyloft theme from LoZ slaps so hard
Listening to Bill waterson by lemon demon
Oop, hi
Cause I've been searching for you
And I was so afraid
That I would lose my place
And our memories would fade
And you'd move on somehow
And I'd lose my closest family
I have been searching
And I knew that you were searching for me -
Started listening to epic
Gotta love the fine print by stupendium for unironically describing capitalism in the chorus
Just listened to a new song today. It was pretty good
How does one go from listening to I can't help but wonder from epic to how bad can I be from the lorax. Thanks a lot YouTube Auto play
Started listening to only a lad and I'm obsessed
I wish there were more silly sounding songs using synthesizer sounds that were about some of the things I'm suffering from. The only thing that ever scratched that itch was soddiken and they only have 6 songs
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