FMA quiz! Who are you?! Roy, Riza, Ed, Al, or Izumi?

okay i was wrong. hughs is also one of them sorry^^ also, i wanted more characters but it woulda been to hard so i picked some of my favs. i hope you injoy this quiz! I enjoyed making it for all of you guyses injoyment. ok go on and take it all! YAY!

So who are you?! that's what I wanna know^^ So lets find out shall we? enter the world of FMA and see who you are the most like of these 6 FMA characters. i wish you luck. and no cheating! it won't help if you do, cause you would know the truth right?

Created by: mustang
  1. Weapon of choice?
  2. If you had to be coupled with anyone in the show who would it be?(yes i know, the guys characters say girls and girls guys. deal with it please)
  3. What's your goal?
  4. If you have seen a hummunculis which ones?
  5. What do you think of having someone in charge of you?
  6. What's a quote you've said?
  7. Where do you live?
  8. okay i can't think of anymore so here's the most used, yet piontless and annoying questin. whats you fav. color?
  9. Okay last question. did you like this quiz?(by the way this Question and the last one had no effect on you.)
  10. i lied, i need one more before i'm done. so......who's your fav. character?(doesn't effect^^')

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Quiz topic: FMA quiz! Who am I?! Roy, Riza, Ed, Al, or Izumi?