Dragonets of Destiny Personality Quiz

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Hello GoToQuiz user! This is a quiz made by Wolfielove270 so the quiz-taker can find out which dragonet of destiny you are! (I don’t suggest taking this unless you have read WoF books 1-5)

This quiz is simply a fun quiz to see which Dragonet of Destiny you are. (If you do not like your answer, don’t worry. It’s just a fun quiz, it doesn’t mean anything) I hope you enjoy! I wish you luck!

Created by: Wolfielove270
  1. Which song do you like the most? (If you don’t like any, pick the artist you like best)
  2. What’s your favorite color? (This might be a little obvious...)
  3. Which describes you the most? (Also a little obvious...)
  4. Where would you go on vacation?
  5. Who do you hate most?
  6. Who do you like most?
  7. In a group you are ____
  8. It’s storming outside and you’re lonely. Who do you call to come over?
  9. What’s your worst quality?
  10. What is your favorite animal?

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