does your character belong in Cavernclan?

here you will take a short quiz to asses whether or not your character is fitting for Cavernclan! we will test your characters wit, stealth, and other things!

but be warned! only the cats with the aforementioned qualities will make it in Cavernclan! living in a perilous cave system isn't for the faint hearted! good luck!

Created by: TheFullMoon
  1. can your character see well in the dark?
  2. is your character claustrophobic?
  3. is your character calm enough to find their way out of a dark cave?
  4. is your character stealthy?
  5. does your character have spacial awareness?
  6. your character runs into a bunch of bats! what do they do?
  7. does your character get scared easily?
  8. does your character accept others, no matter how different they are?
  9. is your character patient?
  10. (LAST QUESTION!) did you like the quiz? and if you did, will you share your character? (this wont effect your result)

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Quiz topic: Does my character belong in Cavernclan?
