Does someone like you?

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This quiz will tell you if someone's likes you or even loves you! Well we hop that you find out (if someone likes you) who this person is! All you have to do is answer 10 questions!

Want to find out just start clicking.... You will find out in only minutes of somebody likes you! I wish you good luck. Now go and find out something!

Created by: Claire
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. Have you liked anyone before?
  3. Would you not be yourself around that person and he what he/she likes?
  4. How would you rate this quiz?
  5. Do you flirt?
  6. When your around your crush (if you have one) do you get nervous?
  7. Have you given a gift to this peron?
  8. Have you noticed any boy/girl being extra kind latley???
  9. Do you care about others?
  10. Lastly, do you think this test will work? (Doesn't effect answer)

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