Does my cat like you?

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So would my cat like you? The one in the photo is the cat who hates everybody, but my other cat tolerates most people so this quiz is for him. I hope this is good, its my 4th quiz!

Please remember that I don't accept racial discrimination against skin or lgbtq+ I cant comment but please realize I have never had someone comment on my quizzes before. Please comment?

Created by: Bellatrix Lestrange
  1. Whats your favorite color. There it is, the dreaded question.
  2. What's your favorite food?
  3. The unanswered question... Do you prefer coffee or tea?
  4. Marvel or D.C?
  5. so, you have to see if you can guess my name...
  6. WandaVision or The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
  7. Art or sports?
  8. Comment?
  9. Whos your favorite Harry Potter character?
  10. last question
  11. jk

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