does bakugo like you?.....

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this quiz is really easy it shows that if bakugo likes you or hate you I think you might want 100 for your results am just saying but if you get a zero well you will find out~

hi and thank you for doing this quiz if you a bakugo fan then take this quiz it will show you how big of fan you are so try it out for me! and have a nice day

Created by: Cupid4612
  1. what personally are you?
  2. what's you're favorite thing to do?
  3. what's your pride flag(you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable here if this help i'm bisexual!)
  4. what's your favorite mha ship?
  5. what's your favorite color?
  6. what type fans are you of bakugo
  7. who will be your best friend in my hero academia?
  8. what's your favorite food?
  9. do you love yourself
  10. do you love bakugo

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