Do you love your crush?

Do you have a crush on someone but you don't know if you love him or not? Take this quiz to find out if you love him and you guys are meant to be together. #soulmates

This quiz will let you know if you love your secret crush. If you use this quiz to find out if you love your crush you will get true results with 100% accuracy.

Created by: ur mom
  1. Do you like him?
  2. Is he your favorite person in your life?
  3. Do you think about him all the time?
  4. What would you do if he asked out your best friend?
  5. If he asked you on a date what would you say?
  6. If he asked your bff for her number how would you feel?
  7. Do you dream about him?
  8. Do you stay up later/wake up earlier to talk to him?
  9. Do you feel jealous if he's hanging out with other girls?
  10. Do you find him cute/attractive?

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Quiz topic: Do I love my crush?
