Do you like dragons?

Do you like dragons? Do you dislike them? Take this quiz to find out! this is my first quiz, there may be some imperfections and errors. I'm on a tablet so there may be grammar errors. Thank you! 🙂😊

This quiz is just for fun, the answers aren't always right. You might get "dragon fan" altho you Love them. this is also my first quiz so hope you guys enjoy it!

Created by: Thelift2013
  1. if you had a pet, what would it be?
  2. where would you live?
  3. What powers would you have?
  4. You are teleported in the universe of How to train your dragon, what do you do?
  5. You find the portal to your universe, you...
  6. You encounter a dragon with a broken wing, you..
  7. What if that dragon was aggressive instead of having a broken wing?
  8. You wake up as a dragon, you...
  9. You meet hiccup, you..
  10. Hiccup shows up at your house, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Do I like dragons?
