Do you know that youtuber!

so I am a good person with an F in math I hate math and I have favorite you tubers all over because they are so cool so don't judge me for being cooler than you'll ever be

so I am a good person with an F in math I hate math and I have favorite you tubers all over because they are so cool so don't judge me im a fricking boss

Created by: Journey Ockwig
  1. Do you like Jay from the Kubz scouts?
  2. Do you like Razzbowoski?
  3. Do you know who Gloom~ is?
  4. DO you know The 12-year-old JoureysVlogs?
  5. Do you know LaruensZlide?
  6. Do you know Yandere-Dev?
  7. do you know Jackcepticeye?
  8. do you know Markiplier?
  9. do you know Gacha Mike?
  10. Do you know veggie gamer?

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Quiz topic: Do I know that youtuber!
