Do You Know Horses?

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Here are some great questions to test a bit of your equine knowledge. Take your time and let us know how you did. I know you can do this, and go hug your horse!

You know those gorgeous creatures out there in your pasture well, so let's stretch the brain out a little bit while you are on your computer and see how you do on this equine knowledge quiz.

Created by: Karen
  1. Obese horses, horses with metabolic issues, and horses who get too much of the wrong food can be at risk for which of the following.
  2. If you have a horse with a lot of hair and you really like your horses hair, what person do you need to keep away from your horse with their clippers?
  3. What kind of feed does MHWF NOT recommend you feed your horse?
  4. What horse at MHWF walked like a dog the first time they get boots on their feet when she got a blanket on for the first time in her life?
  5. The disease known as HYPP (Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis) is common to what breed of horse?
  6. How often do horses feet need to be trimmed?
  7. What are some horse owners now doing to ensure that they are properly deworming their horses?
  8. How many hearts does a horse have?
  9. What is the difference between a Paint and a Pinto?
  10. What is colic?
  11. Which is a sign of a horse colicking?
  12. How to horses communicate with other horses and humans?
  13. In the lope/canter, what are leads?
  14. What are the "four natural aids" that we can use while riding?
  15. What is the best way to keep horse and rider safe?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Horses?