Do You Belong In The Country Or The City?

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Hallo, the quiz title explains everything. There are three results. I hope you enjoy the quiz. Does anyone even read this? Goodbye kugiinvgvghvkj Hi again.

qjgnjqikstdhjjhdarhjgnnjnhbjhvvvfttgt ng Hi hi = P I have nothing to write. I'm just gonna write random stuff don't mind oh I've written over the minimum. Bye. =)

Created by: Silverflame
  1. Do you like animals?
  2. Chose shoes. hey,that rhymes!
  3. In the morning you get up and...(oh and btw you don't have to go to work)
  4. Where do you get your food?
  5. when was the last time you went to the hairdresser?
  6. how thirsty are you?
  7. Do you like movies?
  8. would you be able to look after a plant?
  9. How do you think of trees?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Do I Belong In The Country Or The City?
