Demigod or mortal? Are you a TRUE demigod?

This quiz will tell you if you are a demigod or not. Of course, this quiz is only 99.99 % sure, and only if you answer honestly on every single question.

You are now about to find out if you really are a demigod. I've long and happy. Do not be pissed at your result. Answer honestly. Demigod or not? Soon you will find out...

Created by: aeho
  1. Do you have ADHD/ADD or think you have?
  2. Do you have dyslexia or are some words or letters hard to read sometime?
  3. Do strangers talk to you/follow you/stare at you?
  4. Do some teachers or kids at your school for some unknown reason hate/dislike you?
  5. Do you have BIG fears for something with no explainable reason?
  6. Have you seen/expired unexplainable/weird things?
  7. Do you have nightmare's often?
  8. Do your dreams predict the future, show the past or show what is happening on another place?
  9. Can you control your dreams?
  10. if someone was bullied, what would you do?
  11. Do you have many friends?
  12. Do you know much about Greek or Romain mythology?

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Quiz topic: Demigod or mortal? am I a TRUE demigod?
