Could You Be A Loyal Medicine Cat?

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Welcome young apprentices! And you too, senior warriors! I'm Moondust, a RiverClan she - cat, and I'm here to ask you if you could go the same way as my sister (Northheart) and be a medicine cat!

I hope you do well! Even cats of ThunderClan, WindClan and ShadowClan deserve reasonable medicine cats, so if you get high scores at this quiz then either talk to your medicine cat or your leader about becoming the medicine cat apprentice!

Created by: Moondust
  1. If you fell in love with a warrior from another clan, would you meet them secretly on the border?
  2. What is juniper's main use?
  3. Would you rather have kits or be a medicine cat?
  4. A group of rouge cat has just attacked your clan - what do you do first?
  5. What is the herb used for curing Greencough called?
  6. What can be used to strengthen cats?
  7. If your camp was on fire, who would you save? Your mother & father or five moon - old kits, belonging to a queen who has died in the fire already?
  8. If your camp was on fire, and your kin was injured, would you go back to save a helpless, trapped kit?
  9. If some cats, who did not belong to any clan, came wondering into your camp, what would you do?
  10. Would you rather risk your life to save some elders, or stay and take care of your leader?

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