can you name these adventure time quotes?

the are many people who think they know adventure time so tell them to take this quiz you might win the bet and leave a comment on what type of quiz I should do next!

do you have the brains to know what the answers are you better! because ill know more than you and if I had a be against you I would win read yotsuba and be awesome!

Created by: mary
  1. when does jake sing bacon pancakes?
  2. what does finn go to marcys house to help her with?
  3. who goes on a trip with finn and jake and gets trapped with evil finns?
  4. where does jake go to find a princess for finn?
  5. what does finn and jake do when there bored?
  6. do you like the quiz?
  7. now for a completely different question)do you know pewdiepie?
  8. what type of quiz do I need to do next?
  9. will you pwease comment on what type of quiz I should do next? please?
  10. one more question so lalalalalalalala

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Quiz topic: Can I name these adventure time quotes?