Can you baby sit?

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hi guys! let's do this quiz to find out if you can babysit. You have two twins. but more on that later. Shall we do this thing? Let's finish up this double trouble with some great choices.

You have two twins. Tammy and Tiffy. They are both 5 years old. They are a handful for their mom. Finally, their mom decides to take a night off. you are the first one she calls. and you except.

Created by: Maddie
  1. Tiffy and Tammy are crying. You run to see what's going on. Tammy hit Tiffy, so Tiffy hit Tammy back. What do you do?
  2. After the hitting incident, Tammy wants to go to the park, but Tiffy wants to watch tv. What do you do now?
  3. After the park, Tammy asks about lunch. You check the time and it's 12:00 pm! Now you're struggling with what to make for lunch. They have bread, cheese, pretzels, canned fruit, pasta, and organic frozen pizza. What do you make?
  4. Tammy and Tiffy now want dessert. But it's only 12:22 pm. You say no and Tammy throws her leftover food at you. You manage to dodge it but it hits the wall and splatters the counter with food. You have to decide.
  5. Tiffy remains calm about everything that's been happening. So you don't process her as a threat. You think she's a good kid, so you send her to her room to play unsupervised. You decide it's been really quiet in there so you call Tiffy. No answer, you call her again, no answer. You walk over and Tiffy's gone. You hear playing outside and realize the window's open. You've managed to get Tiffy in the living room. What do you do?
  6. Now that you have Tiffy under control. Tammy looks at ease with Tiffy under punishment. So you scold her. Then you decide it's playtime. You play as the bad guy, Tammy as the head commander of good guys, and Tiffy the spy (seeing as how clever she is).Then Tiffy decides to play rough and throws a toy across the room and hits Tammy in the forehead. You now have a bleeding wound. Do you know what to do?
  7. After calling their mom and comforting Tammy while cleaning the wound, it suddenly hits you that they need a nap. You put them down, but you have to supervise them. You suddenly see a text about that party you've been wanting to go to for months! Let's...
  8. They nap for an hour. so that gives us time to go over things ;) If one of your charges drinks soap or something inedible, who do you call first?
  9. okay time passes differently in quizzes. They're up. It's 6:00 pm and Tiffy is hungry. You tell her wait thirty minutes, but then Tammy comes and tells you she's hungry too! They're out of bread and cheese, and canned fruit. But you find chocolate chips, pre-made ginger bread house, and leftover stew. That would have been the original dinner but it's gone bad! What's for dinner?
  10. When the mom comes home, Tammy and Tiffy are in bed. She is tired and paid you five dollars. You were supposed to be paid $230 for this eleven hour job! What do you say?

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Quiz topic: Can I baby sit?
