Arithmetic Quiz for Job Beginners

This is a quiz for people wanting to test their arithmetic skills before starting a new job. Jobs such as retail or bar/pub work or any other job that requires you to be good at counting up cash.

If you need to work on your basic addition and subtraction then this is the quiz for you! Just answer 18 simple addition and subtraction questions to fine tune your skills!

Created by: Planetary_Piracy
  1. What is £16 + £42.50?
  2. A customer gives you a £10 note, a £2 coin and two 20p coins. Their total is £8.99, how much change do you give them?
  3. What is £78 - £17?
  4. A customer gives you £26.89, their total is £31.98. How much more do they need to give you?
  5. How many £5 notes do you need to give a customer who needs £35 in change?
  6. What is £700 + £357?
  7. How much change so you have to give if the total is £15.40 and they have given you £20?
  8. What is £32.88- £16.42?
  9. A customer gives you two £20 notes, their total is £23.47. How much change do you give them?
  10. What is £55 + £87?
  11. What is £86.32 - £23.97
  12. What is £98.35 + £7.09?
  13. A customer gives you six £5 notes, their total is £29.06. How much change do you give them?
  14. A customer gives you two £10 notes, a £1 coin and three 2p coins. Their total is £17.50. How much change do you give them?
  15. What is £46 - £15.99?
  16. How much change do you give if the total is £4.99 and you are given £7.48?
  17. What is £17.90 + £7.35?
  18. What is £3.52 - £2.13?

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