Are you smart? Lets see!

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*This quiz was made to if you're smart or not. We will take 10 questions and then you'll get a result. You can do really good and get 100% or you can do okay and get a 50% or 60% or you can do playing terrible and get a 10% or a 0%..

*This quiz will take a 1 minute to 10 minutes or however long it takes you there are 10 questions and you'll answer each of them is best as you can you'll get a score from 0 to 100 and a paragraph about how you did and what you're like.

Created by: Ross
  1. First, what is more popular Art or Sports?
  2. Is Blue or Pink more popular?
  3. What is (39,000x8)+(900,243x8,923)x(409,073+9736)x0
  4. Which one is more popular? Baseball or Football?
  5. How many questions have you answered so far?
  6. Is Red or Green more popular?
  7. Only a couple more questions. Can the average human lick their elbow?
  8. How many people live in the U.S.?
  9. So close! How old do you have to be when you can get your driver's permit?
  10. Finally, What is 2+2+7-7

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Quiz topic: Am I smart? Lets see!
