are you my type (mainly for lesbians)I WANNA FIND MY SOULMAT

finding my soulmate bc im a desprate hoe. hi :) apparently this quiz is supposed to have 100 characters which sucks ass but ight. loqlehbvjhwebfvkjwhebvkjwhbefvjwhbfvkjwhbefvw kwjfvkwjebvkwbjefvjebw yay the quiz is satisfied ;)

apparently im supposed to type more here. so um yeah this is a quiz. for people.who are desprate. like me. who wont touch grass but rly should. and have crushes on people that are across the country. lol.

Created by: pepper :)
  1. what color is your hair
  2. what TYPE of hair do you have
  3. whats ur zodiac
  4. what type of place idea would you go to for a date do you like best
  5. are you out to your parents
  6. how would you say you are personality wise
  7. how old are you
  8. what is your style
  9. what type of phone do you have (not like anything you have rly matters but i jus wanna know just incase your my soulmate lmao)
  10. do you have social media
  11. what are your pronouns
  12. what color are your eyes (sorry if these questions are getting personal :(
  13. which food sounds yummy
  14. do you like men
  15. finally are you taking this quiz bc your desperate or bored

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Quiz topic: Am I my type (mainly for lesbians)I WANNA FIND MY SOULMAT
