Are you more like Dan or Phil?

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Are you Daniel James Howell the ALlama Lover, or are you Philip Michael Lester the Lion enthusiast? Take this quiz to find out! Or are you perhaps neither? Or BOTH?

You may be socially inept like Dan! Or bubbly and joyous like Phil! God knows in this weird world! But hey! Enjoy the quiz and remember.... Be completely honest in every answer!

Created by: Poppy Anderson
  1. Let's talk clothes!
  2. Animals!
  3. Social interaction?
  4. Food?
  5. Your invited to a party. What do you do?
  6. Colors!
  7. Do you ship Phan and Dil?
  8. Dan or Phil?
  9. You are making a video! What do you make it about?
  10. If you could meet Dan or Phil, who would you meet?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Dan or Phil?