Are you Edward Cullen?

Hey tthere young fellas big oones too come ahere in ARE YOU EDWARD CULLEN? and find out that do you have the potential of being the hero of twilight mythology.

If you have the potential so you approached the correct place to enter this be sure not to scream too loud to those who won or scream after all you cant become vamp Edward Cullen that easily.

Created by: Edward Travanivals
  1. In the twilight mythology, who does Bella crush on?
  2. Who did Dr.Cullen safe during the fight with Victoria?
  3. What kind of craving did Edward have towards Bella?
  4. When did Edward warn Bella that she was putting her self in danger when she got even more close to him?
  5. How did Victoria died?
  6. When did Edward finally sleep?
  7. What kind of personality did Edward have?
  8. Who did Edward crush on?
  9. How did Edward wish bella her birthday?
  10. How will you react as Edward when Jacob steals Bella from you?

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Quiz topic: Am I Edward Cullen?