Are You A True Descendants 3 Fan???

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So I hope that before you are gonna do this quiz that you have done the descendants one and 2 quizzes well I will next explain what you will do!!!!! Enjoy!

OK so how this works is ftap on the answer you think or know is correct after you have filled out and or answered all 10 questions your results will show you how big of a descendants 3 fan you are enjoy!

Created by: descendants studios
  1. what is the opening song for descendants 3
  2. who lets there emotions take over them and make them go all evil on auradon?
  3. what song is audrey song of revenge?
  4. Who are the too people who teamed up to save auradon and they generally do no like each other?
  5. Does anybody sing queen of mean with Audrey ?
  6. You all know Mals mom but who is her dad?
  7. Why does Mal go to the isle of the lost to visit her dad?
  8. Who does Mal bring with her to get the meter?
  9. After Mal lies and disappoints her friends what happens to all of them except Uma and hook?
  10. after Audrey is struck by hades ember does she live or not?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Descendants 3 Fan???
