Are you a Tomboy or Girly-Girl??

Wanna know if you considered a tomboy or girly girl? Well you might can find your answer here with my 10 question quiz... sorry if its not the best, its my first quiz.

There are 3 possible answers, Tomboy, girly girl, or a mix between both. Don't get offended by any of the questions or answers please, I tried my bestest to make it as friendly as possible, Also plz rate!!!

Created by: Jewleyyy
  1. How often do you go outside?
  2. What do you do when your outside?
  3. What's your favorite sport(s)?
  4. Do you like going shopping?
  5. What do you normally do during the day?
  6. Would you go to the prom?
  7. Your mom said you have to go to town with her, what do you wear?
  8. Are your friends mostly guys or girls?
  9. How did you like this quiz (no effect)?
  10. Buh bye now

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Quiz topic: Am I a Tomboy or Girly-Girl??
